
We are sorry

We would like to apologize for any misunderstanding that our recent post, thanking Ford Germany for their partnership, may have caused. It was not our intention to promote 4×4 tours on ACT tracks. Our primary focus remains on preserving legal off-road trails and promoting responsible off-road riding.

Ford’s support has been invaluable to us, and we are thrilled with the performance of their two vehicles, which significantly facilitated our film shoot. While we are grateful for the partnership, we want to emphasize that our economic or commercial interests will never take precedence over our mission to provide tracks where our motorcycles can be used according to their capabilities.

Our commitment remains dedicated to protecting the environment and promoting responsible interactions with nature. The ACT-Community is a collective that advocates for meaningful off-road experiences on ACT tracks/public trails and roads. We thank each and every one of you for your support and eagerly look forward to many more adventures together!

Your ACT Team



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