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Adventure Country Tracks are tracks exploring the last available adventure routes in Europe and targeted for the dual sport/adventure motorbike models available in the market. The tracks are a mix of on-road and off-road segments and they are public and legal roads. 

The tracks length is normally from 1000km to 1400km. They are designed to be doable in a 5 day trip. Nevertheless  you can decide to take longer as you may want to stay more time in specific places. We do not recommend doing it in less days as it can compromise safety due to speed or fatigue.

The GPX file is the fundamental element to be able to navigate throught the track. The GPX file contains a track and waypoints. You will need a GPS unit or mobile phone with software capable of navigating using the GPX file and the track inside.

The track is a gpx file that must first be compressed after downloading. The gpx file (not the zip file) can then be loaded onto the GPS device. Please make absolutely sure that the track is NOT imported as a route, but as a track/GPX in the appropriate folder. Due to the large number of navigation devices and apps and their special features, we cannot describe the exact procedure.  We can recommend Osmand App for IOS, Locus Maps Pro for Android and Garmin devices as GPS navigation devices. 

We recommend that the tracks are travelled in the direction we define. Each track is scouted that way. A specific segment may be easy to do in the direction we specify but have a higher degree of difficulty if done in the opposite direction (e.g.: descent vs climb). We know some persons have done it but our official reccommendation is to follow the direction define for the track.

No. All roads are public and legal. We nevertheless strongly recommend everybody to read our code of conduct before entering any ACT track.

No you can not use the ACT Track commercially unless you have a agreement in place with the ACT e.V. if you are planing any sort of commercial activity with or on the track please reach out to the ACT Team. Info@adventurecountrytracks.com

An ACT track explores some remote areas of the countries and it may occur that in a specific region, cell phone coverage is limited. Nevertheless, for the great majority of all the tracks, you will have connectivity.

The end of the track segment of each day always offers different possibilities for overnight. From hotels to camping. We especially define the end of each day taking this into consideration.

For each track we define the track difficulty level. This is done based on our experience and understanding of what is required for each type of track. Nevertheless, even in a track defined as EASY, it is never for a rider that has no experience in off-road nor for a rider with only a limited experience. Your personal accessment on your capabilities and experience is fundamental.

Yes. If you are a silver, gold or platinum member you can join the following group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AdventureCountryTracks

Please always request to be added under stating your username or email address

The tracks are defined in a way that there will always be fuel available and therefore doable for a normal dual sport/adventure motorcycle model with a minimum of 15 liters capacity fuel tank. It is mandatory thay you start each day with the fuel tank full or almost full.

We do not recommend this mode of travelling.

All tracks are doable by a 4×4 vehicle.

An ACT track explores some remote areas of the countries and unexpected things can happen even in an easy part of a track. We strongly suggest that an ACT track should always be ridden in a group. Even more important when facing some of the challenges that are in some segments of the tracks and where the support of other persons may be fundamental.

No. You can define your own schedule and distance to be travelled each day. We define the days according to our understanding of a well balanced division of distance per day (taking into consideration the difficulty of each day, off-road percentage, etc). Also making sure that the defined stopping location is providing overnight facilities (hotels and/or camping), restaurants and fuel stations. You can nevertheless define your own stopping location for each day.

No. We keep monitoring changes that occur to the track (e.g.: gates, forbidden parts, etc) and we update the GPX files. So before going into your trip, always make sure you download the latest version of the track from our website.

Our tracks are normally at least 50% off-road. Some tracks have higher degree of difficulty than others. Nevertheless, all off-road segments can have their properties changes with rain, mud, snow, etc. So we definitely recommend a 50/50 tire from one of the many quality options available in the market.

Yes. You can find the offers from some of our partners in here: LINK

You have a tour company, you have a Hotel located on the track, you are professional Tourguide or offer any related services and want to offer it via ACT and or use the Brand ACT and or Track ? please reach out to the Foundation Team to see your options. info@adventurecountrytracks.com

Yes. You can find some events organized by our partners in the Menu under Rider Resource 

Waypoints, or Points-of-interest (POI), are a static place such as a viewpoint, gas station, or hotel. Tracks are a static line on a map – as your GPS position moves the idea is to follow this line. Routes are dynamically calculated directions to connect a starting and ending point – they can change as you go. We provide our GPX file with a track inside and some POI’s.

GPX tracks can be used in either direction.

GPX tracks are a static line to follow and aren’t designed to be turn-by-turn.

There are some different options for backcountry navigation using a smartphone. Google Maps is not well suited for this purpose as it’s not designed to work with gpx tracks and waypoints that we use for the ACT tracks.

ACT tracks are defined using public legal roads but you may find gates due to livestock. The rule is to leave the gate as you’ve found it.

Your membership always lasts a whole year and needs to be renewed on the expire date. Click on the “cancel subscription” button to cancel your membership on the expiry date.

Please log in to your profile and search for your last membership under “Subscription”. Select “update plan” and choose the membership that suits you. As soon as the error message appears asking you to check your payment method, please click on it. You will then find “Re-join” to choose from. Follow the next steps. If you’ve already paid by bank transfer, you can pay again by transferring the fee to our GLS Bank account using your username. If you paid by bank transfer and have an activated subscription that is inactive and you want to switch to a paypal payment you can cancel it and then re-subscribe. 


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