We would like to take the end of the year as an opportunity to look back on the past year and look forward to the new year.
Since the adventure in the Pyrenees, the ACT really took off this year after the unwanted Corona break. The response online and on social media has been extremely positive, the numbers are impressive, the personal messages and feedback are even more inspiring. On Facebook we already have 12334 followers, our Instagram channel already counts 3503 followers and on YouTube we are already at 7330 subscribers. The total number of views on YouTube is over 1.6 Million. With almost 4000 downloads in the first months, the ACT Pyrenees track was one of the most successful tracks so far.
An impressive achievement.
We are already planning for the coming years and hope that many partners from the motorbike industry will continue to support us. Without the partners we would not be able to shoot the videos and master the many tasks around the tracks. Even though we are able to update the tracks and the conditions with your help, it is important that the tracks are verified.
We are also increasingly in contact with authorities, tourism associations and environmental protection organisations in order to be able to continue to use the tracks legally. We want to expand this work and of course provide you, the members, with more and more information; information about workshops, hotels, restaurants on the way as well as insights from locals from the regions.
We are proud of what we have been able to achieve in the last few years and that is exactly how we want to continue.
The work of the association is becoming more and more extensive, we receive several thousand emails per year that need to be answered and sometimes we can no longer keep up with the work. We presented these issues at the general assembly. However, so that we can continue to expand our work, add a new track every year and offer even more “participation” in the future, the members present at the general assembly, the last members’ meeting in September, decided on a few changes to the statutes. The requirements of the German law on associations are manifold and we would like to better position the association for the future together with you.
From 1st January 2023, basic members will support the association with only 99 cents per month, i.e. 11.88 euros per year (bronze membership). A small contribution to keep the tracks up to date in the future and to keep the association and the administration of the members alive according to the current DSGVO guidelines. We will of course send a separate email for the basic membership within the next days. All previous Pro memberships (39,- EUR memberships) will be automatically changed to a Silver membership and will also receive further benefits (technical support, discounts in partner shops) compared to the Bronze membership.
You can find out how the new fee system affects the respective membership by looking at the attached table.
We are pleased if you continue to support the association! In the coming weeks, we will explain many of the new benefits and services that are included in the various membership levels.
By the way, we are continuing to work full throttle in the background so that we can bring you some more news at the turn of the year. The priority is of course the multilingualism of the website. Due to the many requests from members, there will also be a small but nice webshop from 2023. We will start with a few selected products, but of course there will be stickers, shirts and a few merchandise products with which you can show your affiliation to the ACT e.V.. And then we are already planning the next track for the coming season. Lots to do.
We are looking forward to your support and would like to invite you to join us.
The association lives from as many members as possible supporting us and keeping the last adventure tracks alive with us.
We wish you a wonderful and not too stressful pre-Christmas season!
Thank you for your support
Your ACT Board
Mirko, Elvio, Martin
© 2025 Adventure Country Tracks e.V.
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